
Rhesus is a blood group system, one of them is rhesus negative type (rh-), according to Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) rh- population in indonesia are below 1%, so it's become a problem for a certain people who has rh- blood type to find a blood with compatible rh-, we know that in indonesia, we have an organization that organize blood transfusion which is Palang Merah Indonesia (Indonesia Red Cross), but they are also have a difficulties to find a blood donor who has a spesific type of rh- blood type because it is too rare to find, another way to find a spesific rh- blood type is reach the community who has the same things which is Rhesus Negatif Indonesia (RNI), they said it's easy to find a spesific blood donor in the community but it's not simple to find if the case is on the emergency.

To overcome that problem, we decided to make a platform apps called Donorhin, This is a social project to help people with rhesus negative blood type to find a compatible blood donors with an apps that working on iOS Platform and devices

How it works : There are two roles in this apps, Recipient (Blood Receiver) and Donor (Blood Giver), Recipient can propose a request to find a donor by filling a set of data, after that system will check the validity of request and find a donor that match and compatible with the recipient data. Once it found, donor can give their blood at the nearest red cross (PMI), then red cross will send the blood to recipient red cross and give to the recipient.

The picture above is used as a recipient page, where you can propose a blood by clicking "cari darah" button, this screen also show you the current blood request

This apps temporary only available on testflight, we planned to put it on apps store in the future after getting some approval from related organization. You can see the representative video below on youtube here